Membership in ASGS

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Membership Application (PDF)

A Message for General Surgeon Specialists
Are you losing your —

  • Access to patients…?
  • Professional Status…?
  • Competitive edge…?
  • Turf…?
  • Income…?
  • Career appeal…?

Facing Realities and Telling It Like It Is

The economic, educational, political and scientific status of the entire medical profession has experienced numerous setbacks in recent times. As a result, all medical specialists have suffered, and General Surgeon Specialists have suffered the most.

The status of the Specialty of General Surgery has been challenged and its existence threatened. For example, who would have thought that the government would set our fees? Who would have thought that the vanguard of all surgical specialties would receive unfair and unequal treatment as compared to other surgical specialties?

Do you wonder why this has happened to your specialty? And why we are being pushed to the fringes of surgical practice? This scenario is all too real and sets the stage as a principal reason why you should join the American Society of General Surgeons.

Benefits of a Strong Voice for General Surgeon Specialists

The American Society of General Surgeons (ASGS) is the only national surgical specialty society exclusively representing General Surgeon Specialists. ASGS is your voice in national policy-making. Inevitably, policies favor specialties having a strong representation.

We can no longer be relegated to a passive role in defending our surgical practices and our care of surgical patients. This substantive description offers yet another reason why you should join and support the American Society of General Surgeons.

A Leading Society for Leading General Surgeon Specialists

The ASGS is an independent, national organization of General Surgeon Specialists that speaks exclusively for the Specialty of General Surgery.

Our society is like any other national surgical society in that we are all represented by the umbrella of the American College of Surgeons. But until the ASGS was formed, the Specialty of General Surgery had no independent forum where issues that directly involve General Surgeon Specialists and their patients could be discussed and acted upon.

ASGS has established that forum and has an annual meeting to democratically establish policy in the national arena.

We are committed to strengthen, enhance and protect our identity and our professional and public image. General Surgeon Specialists now have an organization to fight for what we must do rather than what we are told to do. More reasons why you should join the American Society of General Surgeons.

A Learning and Educational Resource

  • The ASGS provides cutting edge “how to” scientific sessions involving new surgical techniques and procedures. These sessions help General Surgeon Specialists remain competitive.
  • The ASGS facilitates debate on what’s best for the Specialty of General Surgery and will help your specialty plan for the future. Surgical practice parameters are an integral part of this debate as is your scope of practice and credentialing based on training, education and experience.
  • Access to the ASGS Internet Home Page keeps members informed of the latest news and events in the Specialty of General Surgery.
  • Surgfax, the ASGS communication link with members, regularly updates members on current political, economic and social events affecting General Surgeon Specialists, surgical services and surgical patient care.

A Presence and a Voice in Washington

The ASGS fights to safeguard the quality of patient care and the economic well-being of General Surgeon Specialists. In an era of shrinking resources, the ASGS is the only voice speaking solely for the Specialty of General Surgery. In a very real sense, the ASGS offers members the best chance to take a hand in controlling and directing their own destiny. Take part and join the American Society of General Surgeons.

Why Your Membership Is Important

To remain strong and to present your views, the ASGS must have the support and participation of all actively practicing General Surgeon Specialists. Your membership increases our chance of survival in today’s competitive medical field and reduces further erosion of your economic, social and professional status.

Your membership and participation will strengthen the principles for which we all stand. You can bring new ideas and leadership to further broaden the scope of our organization and its commitment to the Specialty of General Surgery in the surgical profession.

These vital considerations provide solid evidence on why you should join the American Society of General Surgeons.

Together We Are Stronger

We must stand together to retain the scope of our practice and resist intrusions by others who may be less trained to perform the Specialty of General Surgery. We must remain competitive and viable in the marketplace; we must fight to regain and protect access to our patients.

But we can’t do it alone. We must do it together and we need your support and participation. It is not too late.

The ASGS assures you a voice at the national policy-making level on issues that affect your ability to provide quality surgical care. The qualifications of most practicing General Surgeon Specialists can meet ASGS membership requirements. Annual active membership dues are $150.

The ASGS is your organization. So please join us and participate in the American Society of General Surgeons.

Membership — Are You Eligible?

Active Membership
Surgeons who have been certified by the American Board of Surgery or the American Osteopathic Board of Surgery, and, in the opinion of the Board of Trustees and peers in the community, have the requisite training, experience and ethical qualities, and are recognized specialists in General Surgery. Dues: $250 annually.

Associate Membership
Surgeons who have not been certified by the American Board of Surgery, or the American Osteopathic Board of Surgery, but, in the opinion of the Board of Trustees and peers in the community, have the requisite training, experience and ethical qualities, and are recognized specialists in General Surgery. Dues: $250 annually.

Candidate Membership
General Surgeon Specialists who have completed an approved residency and are Board eligible, but who have not yet been certified by the American Board of Surgery or the American Osteopathic Board of Surgery. Candidate members may remain in this membership category until they have become certified. In the event a Candidate member is not certified within three (3) years, Candidates are eligible to apply for Associate Membership. Dues: $50 annually.

Corresponding Membership
General Surgeon Specialists who are not residing in the United States of America, its territories or commonwealths, and who have the requisite training, experience, ethical qualities, and limit their practice to the Specialty of General Surgery. Dues: $50 annually.

Resident Membership
Residents who are enrolled in at least their first year of postgraduate training counting towards certification in the Specialty of General Surgery and who, by their interest, training and high moral standard, may be expected to qualify subsequently for Active Membership. Resident members may remain in this membership category for the duration of their residency and fellowship, if applicable, and shall have not longer than one (1) year after completing their training to apply for Candidate or Active Membership. Dues: $25 annually (no application processing fee).

Senior Membership
General Surgeon Specialists meeting all the requirements of Active Membership, but who are not in the active practice of surgery, or who are confronted by unusual personal extenuating circumstances, as judged by the Board of Trustees, will be eligible for this class of membership. Dues: None, or a $100 annual voluntary contribution to defray membership expenses.

Membership Application (PDF)